Make Sure Your Property Qualifies

Below are questions to determine if your property is in the Neighbourhood Attached Residential (NAR) area (which allows triplexes and fourplexes), and if your property meets the minimum size criteria.

To take advantage of the Housing Choices Program you need to answer YES to ALL the following questions:

  1. Is my property in a “Neighbourhood Attached Residential” (NAR) area, where triplexes and fourplexes are allowed? Use the Housing Choices Summary Guide (PDF) to see if your property is in a NAR area.
  2. Is my property zoned RT-1, which will allow a triplex or a fourplex? Explore your property zoning on QtheMap. If it’s your first time using QtheMap, consult the How-To guide (PDF).
  3. Does my property meet the minimum lot width and minimum lot area required for a triplex or fourplex? Explore your property lot size on QtheMap. Check the size requirements in our Housing Choices Summary Guide.

Before you start, if you answer YES to any of the following questions, please contact Development Services staff for more information: 

  1. Was the existing house on my property built before 1945? 
  2. Is there a creek on, or next to, my property?
  3. Is there a steep slope on, or next to, my property?