How does the Building Permit process ensure that the treed areas have been considered?

Building Permit applications for new development must include any applicable Stream Protection Enhancement Area (SPEA) documentation and those areas on the property that are protected, as well as copies of registered covenants including those that identify windfirm boundaries and protected trees. When a building permit is issued, the drawings will contain all such information on them to provide those working on the property, such as Builders, as well as City staff, the ability to identify and locate protected areas on and adjacent to the property.

Show All Answers

1. How do I report a tree of concern?
2. What are my responsibilities as a homeowner?
3. How are trees considered in new site developments?
4. How does the Building Permit process ensure that the treed areas have been considered?
5. What is a Restrictive Covenant?
6. How do I know if I have a Restrictive Covenant on my Land Title?
7. What is the City doing to manage trees in my area?