There is a City boulevard tree fronting my property. Can I water it during the summer? Can I prune it?

We ask that residents with City boulevard trees fronting their property help keep the tree watered during the hot summer months. Young trees in particular need to be watered twice a week during the driest months (July/August). We ask that residents help keep boulevard trees watered while adhering to summertime watering restrictions. City staff will often place watering bags around newly planted trees in the summer but residents can help by re-filling them while watering their lawn or plants. Thank you for your consideration!

Trees planted within the separated boulevard are typically pruned on a schedule and are the responsibility of the City to maintain.  Residents cannot prune these trees, and may receive a bylaw violation ticket if they choose to prune a City tree and damage it.  Our arborists are ISA certified and trained in making the best cuts to ensure tree health and appearance. If you have concerns contact Parks Customer Service.

 Mature boulevard trees not located in separated boulevards are not maintained by the City of Coquitlam and homeowners are responsible for their general upkeep under the Boulevard Maintenance Bylaw.  This may include pruning back branches that are encroaching on pedestrians’ access to sidewalks or at entrances to parks. All pruning of City trees must adhere to the Best Management Practices (BMP’s) of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA); the best way to ensure this is to hire an ISA certified arborist.
