How do I know if a pesticide is restricted or permitted?

Read the label. Common active ingredients in most conventional pesticides are now restricted under the Bylaw, including:

  • 2, 4-D
  • Carbaryl
  • Dicamba
  • Glyphosate
  • Malathion
  • Mecoprop

However, many safer alternatives are available, effective and exempt from the Bylaw. If the active ingredient of your product is on the Permitted Pesticide list (PDF), it is still allowed by this Bylaw.

Show All Answers

1. Are all pesticides now restricted?
2. How do I know if a pesticide is restricted or permitted?
3. How can I dispose of pesticides?
4. Can I use pesticides on Giant Hogweed?
5. Can I use pesticides to treat the European Chafer Beetle?