When can I apply for a Building Permit?

You will need to ensure the following is satisfied prior to applying for a Building Permit:

  1. Your Development Permit has been authorized by the Director of Development Services and your landscape security has been submitted;
  2. If you are required to apply for a Watercourse Development Permit, or just have a QEP submit a Riparian Areas Regulation detailed assessment report:
    • The Riparian Areas Regulation detailed assessment report has been approved by the Province of BC; and
    • The Watercourse Protection Development Permit has been issued;
  3. If you are required to apply for a subdivision, the conditions of the subdivision approval have been completed, and the plan has been registered in the Land Title Office.

The Building Permit process requires review and approval of the submitted plans and material. Within 4-6 weeks staff will fully review your application. This timeline may vary depending upon unusual, or unexpected issues, quality of submissions, or incomplete submissions. Staff may request changes or further submissions of plans and / or documentation. 

Please note that other permits, Engineering Works, fees, refundable securities and Development Cost Charges may be required prior to a Building Permit being issued. See the Applicable Fees and Charges page for more information.

Once the Building Division requirements have been satisfied, a Building Permit may be issued.
